Texas Relocation Specialist & Dallas-Fort Worth Luxury Real Estate Agent
“Not just your REALTOR® but your trusted advisor”
If you have received orders or plan on coming or going to/from TexAS for any reason I am here to help. I help many families prepare for their PCS needs and get them into a home during their transition.
Each person’s situation is different, Market conditions fluctuate, and many other factors play a role in how we need to get you transitioned into a home. I approach it in various ways and can adapt to the way which works best. Here are a few common ways I help.
Sight unseen – Not ideal but sometimes necessary. Once you find the house you want I will be able to Facetime or video tour the home with/for you.
Plan a trip– Some plan a few days’ trip dedicated to searching for homes. We coordinate together and I dedicate all my time to you until we have you under contract. You return and I make sure to stand in on your behalf when needed such as home inspections, etc. we collaborate while you are away to get the home close.
Arrive hitting the ground running– sometimes it’s not feasible for the other two due to time, money/restriction or comfort reasons. At this point when you arrive I dedicate my time to you until we get you what you need. In the meantime, you will find post housing or typically month to month rental, or stay with friends or family until we can close on the home. I place a lot of pressure on everyone to close as soon as possible so you can feel more comfortable in your own home sooner than later
Case by case– Sometimes there are unique situations that call for adapting to the situation and finding a solution. I can help in just about any situation to help you get into a home.
Let me help you get your housing situated with ease. I understand the urgency and you are my top priority during this period.