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Texas Military Relocation Expert Real Estate Agent



Getting Transferred Again?


We’ve got all the bases covered.


The military life keeps you on the go from day to day, and month to month, whether you're on a shore duty billet and standing all night watches every third day, or dealing with sea duty and deployments, and the emotional roller coaster of the ship coming and going…here and gone… in and out.  If that wasn't hard enough already, then every 2-3 years you're uprooting your family to be reassigned to a new command.   It means getting used to new neighborhoods, new schools, and learning your way around a new base.  Where's the commissary? Where's medical?  Where's the closest military credit union?  What neighborhood offers the best schools for my kids?  There's nothing simple or easy about the military life; not the salary, not the working hours, not the deployments, and the moving can sometimes end up being the hardest part of it all. Transfers can be fun and exciting with a new adventure to look forward to, or depending on the conditions and timing, they can be very difficult.   Even in the best of circumstances, moving is a lot of work, and it's usually a busy and stressful time for the whole family. 



Finding the right real estate agent -  A Military Relocation Professional (MRP)- can play a key role in making the experience easier on everybody.  A smooth flight with an easy landing, that's what a pilot strives for; the ideal conditions that will bring him home with the least amount of effort. When it comes to buying or selling your house, we want to do the same thing; "bring you home with the least amount of effort" on your part.  Let us help make this transfer less stressful for you.  Our goal is to make your whole real estate experience as smooth and easy as possible.  We can honestly say, "been there, done that."  We're a military family who knows what you're going through, and we're anxious to help make this a positive transition.



When you receive your PCS the clock starts. You need to move soon and sell your current house even sooner. As a Military Relocation Professional (MRP), I understand your unique situation and have the knowledge to make the most of every transaction, selling and buying. Our team of specially trained and certified Military Relocation agents understand that the needs of the military don’t always allow families lots of time to make detailed transfer plans. Our goal is to make your move easier and less stressful by helping you prioritize all that needs to be done.  











Our website offers the helpful information and resources for military members and their families relocating/Permanent Change of Station (PCS) to Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Corpus Christie or any other installation in Dallas, Texas area. Texas has a wide geographic footprint.  With our knowledge of the local market, we will guide you through the home buying process and help you achieve your real estate goals. The information listed below is provided to help you gather as much information as you need to make your relocation as easy and successful as possible.











































Area Bases & Installations​

Help simplify your move by using our comprehensive list of the  military bases and installations in Texas.

For more information to assist you in your TDY/PCS move, please visit our Military Relocation resource links.  The County Resource page includes links to the area's county and city statistics, maps, history, government, planning and zoning, employment, and services. Here is a list of military installations in Texas



Base Allowance For Housing 

While the Texas area Base Allowance for Housing (BAH) rates are among the highest in the country, it can still be challenging to find affordable housing.  As your real estate expert in Northern Texas and the other major cities in Texas, I will work with you and within your budget to ensure we find the perfect home to accommodate both.  Current BAH information is listed by rank, with and without dependents. Contact us today to assist you with your PCS move to the Dallas metro area.



























Area Schools And Just For Kids

Moving is always hard on our children and finding the right school can be challenging. You will find information regarding area schools to assist you with learning as much as you can before you arrive.

The North Texas area offers a wide range of activities.  We've pulled together a few links that may help with the relocation process and keep your children enthusiastic about your move by experiencing fun and exciting activities.



Area Schools


Commuter Information

North Texas has a number of commuting options available. Whether you're commuting on a daily basis or simply want a weekend getaway in the city, there is always an abundance of options.

The DART local train system, commuter lots, express lanes, and public transit bus routes can all make it easier to deal with the area's traffic.


more commuter info






Helpful Links & Resources for Military PCS Relocation






Military Families Trivia​


The 10 states with the highest populations of active military personnel include (in order): California, Virginia, Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Washington, Hawaii, South Carolina, and Colorado.


Military families move every two to three years. 




Find your installation and explore your next duty station

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