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Irving Independent School District & Schools Overview
2023 best DFW school districts rank :
Irving Independent School District Rankings, Awards & Distinctions
Additional Irving ISD Information:
Irving ISD Boundary Map : Click here for a map of Irving ISD Boundary
Check if a particular home is part of Irving ISD : Click here
Irving ISD Website: Click here
Irving ISD News: Click here
Irving ISD Contact Number: (214) 496-6000
Niche.com Irving ISD Report Card: Click here
Top DFW school districts,
Best school districts in Texas.
Irving ISD Statistics:
Number of students: 32,321
Elementary Schools: 23
Middle Schools: 8
High Schools: 5
Cities Served: Irving, Grand Prairie & Dallas.
2023 Texas Education Agency (TEA) student achievement index: 77
Note: The student achievement index is the percentage of total student assessments for all subjects tested that meet or exceed the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) achievement standards.
Irving ISD Schools
Districts receive a grade or rating based on performance in three areas:
Student Achievement measures what students know and can do by the end of the year. It includes results from state assessments across all subjects for all students, on both general and alternate assessments, College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) indicators, like AP and ACT results, and graduation rates.
School Progress measures how much better students are doing on the STAAR test this year versus last year, and how much better students are doing academically relative to schools with similar percentages of economically disadvantaged students.
Closing the Gaps looks at performance among student groups, including various racial/ethnic groups, socioeconomic backgrounds and other factors.
Seventy percent of the accountability rating is based on the better of Student Achievement or Student Progress (whichever is better is the only performance measure counted in the calculations). The remaining 30 percent is based on performance in the Closing the Gaps area. To learn more about the A–F accountability system, visit https://tea.texas.gov/A-F/.