Texas Relocation Specialist & Dallas-Fort Worth Luxury Real Estate Agent
“Not just your REALTOR® but your trusted advisor”
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Step 1: Write the reviews.
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Please click on the images below to open the review websites and leave your feedback. These review websites will open in a new window for your convenience.
I will really appreciate if you can take time to provide reviews to all of the websites below. You can copy and paste reviews to different sites.
Scroll to "Write a Review" section and click on "Write a Review" button.
To post a review on yelp.com please visit yelp.com website on your browser, search for "Nitin Gupta Realtor" and my business profile will show up. Please click on "Write a Review" to leave a review. Unfortunately, Yelp.com does not publish client reviews if I provide a link to my yelp.com profile to my clients directly through this website.
For instruction on how to post a review on facebook.com please click here
To leave a review on Realtor.com, scroll down to "Ratings & reviews", click on the down button at right and click on "Rate & write a review" button
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