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Dallas-Fort Worth metro area offers a number of top school districts for families relocating to Dallas. Some of these school districts have schools that like the TAG school in Dallas which are among the top schools in the nation. Coppell ISD serving the cities of Coppell & Irving is one of the top school districts in DFW and offers world class education to the students.

Are top school districts still important when buying a home in DFW?

According to a survey conducted online in 2019 by Harris Research of more than 1,000 people who closed on a home in 2018 for Realtor.com, buyers remain steadfast in their desire for their preferred good school districts. The want to buy a home in one of the top school districts in the area. Three-quarters of respondents indicated schools were important in their search and were willing to compromise on other things on their “desired features” list with 39 percent indicating very important and 34 percent important. Only 18 percent said they were unimportant or very unimportant, and 9 percent of buyers were neutral on the question.

This begs the question - how do you define a good school district and what makes Coppell ISD serving Coppell one of the best school districts in DFW?

According to the same survey by Realtor.com, buyers define good schools by test scores and accelerated programs.

Test scores were the factor most often selected by buyers as a hallmark of a good school (59 percent), followed by having accelerated programs (53 percent), arts and music (49 percent), diversity (43 percent), and before- and after-school programs (41 percent).

In addition, the parents also look for the following qualities in a top school district in DFW like Coppell ISD in Coppell.

  • Funding

  • Engaged parents

  • Facilities

  • Experience of teachers

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How are the top school districts ranked in Dallas, Texas?

Texas provides annual academic accountability ratings to its public school districts, charters and schools including Coppell ISD in Coppell. The ratings are based largely on performance on state standardized tests and graduation rates. The ratings examine student achievement, student progress, efforts to close the achievement gap and postsecondary readiness. A video available in English and Spanish provides a quick overview of the system.

What is the rating of Coppell ISD?

Coppell ISD serving Coppell & Irving has earned a rating of A in 2019 with a score of 95. This puts Coppell in the top school districts in DFW and Dallas metro area.

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Learn more about Coppell ISD here

How many schools are part of Coppell ISD and how many students are enrolled in Coppell ISD?

Coppell ISD in Coppell has 15 schools and 12,577 students are enrolled in Coppell ISD.

What is the meaning of A-F TEA rating system for school districts and schools in Texas?

Districts or schools earn an A (90–100) for exemplary performance when they serve most students well, encouraging high academic achievement and/or appropriate academic growth for almost all students. A-F accountability uses a variety of indicators such as graduation rates, college, career and military readiness, SAT/ACT scores, and college prep course completion. The majority of a district’s rating is based on indicators other than the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) test.

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Where do I find more information about ratings for Coppell ISD?

Families can visit https://txschools.gov/ to select a school or district to see how well they are performing overall and in different areas.

How many school districts in Texas achieve top ratings including Coppell ISD?

Here is the latest distribution of district ratings (including charter districts) by category. As you can see, only 25% of school districts (ISDs) in Texas achieved a rating of A in 2019.

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Which are some of the other top school districts in DFW?

Here is a list of other school districts in DFW that meet the criteria for top school district in DFW.

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About Coppell ISD?

Coppell ISD (cop-ELL) is a premier public school system with a statewide reputation for educational excellence. This high-performing and innovative district serves over 12,800 learners in the communities of Coppell, Valley Ranch, Grapevine, North Irving, and the City of Dallas (Cypress Waters). The majority of Coppell ISD is located in Coppell, TX, a suburb of Dallas. The city of over 39,000 residents is positioned approximately 5 miles northeast of the DFW Airport…north of Interstate 635 and west of I-35E. Although the City of Coppell is just over 14 sq. mi. in size, the school district spans over 23 sq. mi.

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About us: Top Coppell Relocation Realtors

If you are interested in relocating and moving to our great city of Coppell and need help finding a home, I would appreciate the opportunity to help you. A REALTOR with CRS & GRI designations - highest in the real estate industry - I have lived in Dallas metro area for over 16 years. I am familiar with all the top school districts in Dallas metro area including Coppell ISD that serves city of Coppell. Since many of my clients are relocation buyers, I have all the tools you need to help your home search. Whether it is video previews of homes, extended work hours, digital signatures for documents or more, I can make this process as comfortable as possible no matter where you are located and help you buy your dream home in Coppell.

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